July 2021

Patient is a 59-year-old male (former semi pro football player) with severe FHP with right head-thorax translation. Neck pain (level 7 pain index) with dizziness where he needs to hold onto something to prevent falling. He also suffers from weakness in arms and groin pain (level 5 pain index). Other chronic symptoms that the patient has experienced for the last 15 years include difficulty breathing, loud snoring (wife complains) and inability to bend and touch his toes.
His pre-treatment posture photos show severe FHP (wearing black shirt) and post- treatment posture photos (wearing red shirt) show a positive change after using the Cervigard Collar two times in 3 days. His symptoms have improved with neck pain index declining from level 7 to level 2.
This patient experienced significant improvement in both his posture and symptoms in just two days (the rate of improvement is an anomaly). His groin pain has improved allowing him to touch his toes on forward bending and his breathing has also improved (his wife claims he did not snore last night). His FHP is in normal limits and the correction potential X-ray shows improvement in Cervical lordosis despite advanced DJD at C4, C5, C6, C7 and T1 joints.
Conclusion – Robert has a palliative condition due to the disc pathology at C4, C5, C6, C7 and T1 joints. The immediate posture relief has reduced strain loading along his entire spine. We carefully adjusted his lower cervical spine in a posterior to anterior direction in addition to using the Cervigard Collar on him for 20 minutes. The right head and thoracic translation are already showing improvement which is likely caused by the correction in FHP. Patient will receive continued mirror image adjusting and lateral traction to correct these translations over the next six to eight weeks.
Neck disability index scores; initial 72% and current 4%
Lumbar disability index scores; initial 64% and current 4%